In a previous post, I offered “Six Tips for Finding More (Contract) Candidates.” I’d like to add to the information in that post by listing four additional ways in which you can uncover a wider diversity of qualified candidates—including qualified candidates for contract positions.
The following are some diversity groups you might want to consider in the future.
1. Veterans can be excellent candidates. The skills they learn during their military training transfer smoothly to the world of business—structure, discipline, supervisory leadership, and organizational abilities. More than likely, they’ve also had technical training with state-of-the-art computers and electronic equipment. It’s important to note here that the definition of “veteran” is broader than one might realize. A veteran is not only a man in his 80s who fought in World War II. A veteran can also be a young man or woman in their 20s who completed tours of duty in Iraq as a full-time soldier or whose National Guard unit was called into service.
2. People with disabilities currently constitute a huge, mostly untapped labor resource. They can work many jobs suited to meet their special needs with minimal work-site renovations. Many highly intelligent, degreed people with disabilities are available, ready to offer their expertise to the company willing to hire them.
3. Retirees will continue to work to earn money to supplement their incomes. Baby Boomers are starting to retire—those that are able to—and they’ve demonstrated a strong work ethic and company loyalty. Their experience, knowledge, and skills can be tremendous resources. Retiree re-staffing is becoming more common for contract placements.
4. Immigrants are moving into communities that didn’t have significant minority populations in the past. Hiring candidates from the broadest segment of the population makes good business sense. The assorted cultural and ethnic backgrounds can also improve a company’s corporate culture. Client companies that welcome immigrants can even find business opportunities in other countries.